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Logo Lab School Network

What is a lab school ?


A laboratory school is a school affiliated to a university department or a teacher training structure.


Three complementary activities are associated with a lab school: teaching, training and research. Because of this structure, a link is naturally created between education and research, which allows the school to “Develop and test new approaches, by modeling the best practices” (Cucchiara, 2010).

What's a lab school ?

Who are we?

We are a non-profit organisation that brings together the activities of the Lab School Network and the Lab School Paris.

Lab School Network logo
Lab School Paris logo

A network of researchers for educational renewal

An elementary school, a middle school and a high school, inspired by research

The association's office


Pascale Haag



Janine Lorente



Stephanie Dubal


Who are we?

Our mission

The Lab School Network (LSN) is a network of actors from different horizons, and of citizens involved in educational renewal. Created in November 2015, at the initiative of Pascale Haag (EHESS), it includes researchers, teachers, representatives of public authorities, associations, institutions and companies.


Our actions have two main goals

To create a pilot school inspired by the concept of laboratory schools, the Lab School Paris, taking into account the contribution of research and applying scientifically validated teaching practices.

To contribute to the educational transition by conducting research-actions with the French Ministry of Education and by organizing seminars, meetings and events for various audiences.

Our missions

Our events

Meet the Lab School Network team at the events we organize.

Our events

Local partners

Paris town hall logo
PIE logo

Institutional support

Logo du laboratoire Bonheur
Logo Lab School Europe
CRI logo
EHESS logo
Logo of Europe commits
Erasmus Plus logo
Science and happiness

Support from Foundations

Logo of the Alter Care Foundation
Capture d’écran 2020-05-18 à 14.20.42.
Logo de Apprendre et Réussir
Logo of the Foundation for the school
Fondation 200 Jours logo
Logo of the FETE foundation
Chemin à l’école logo


Playbac logo
Liberty Logo
Aviva Logo
Logo Ciclad

Discover our partners

Professional partners

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