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We RESiST project: for a sustainable future

Call for action

We, high school students, are challenging all committed young people aged 13 to 25! Are you involved in climate action or social justice? Full of proposals and eager to contribute to a fairer, more sustainable world? This call is for you!


Whether you are in high school, college, university or working life, now's your chance: share your project and join a community of motivated young people like yourself, so that together, we can make our actions even more powerful!


We are a motivated student collective and part of the European Erasmus+ project WE RESiST whose goal is to mobilize young people to contribute to social and environmental causes. We hope to encourage all kinds of young people to participate regardless of the scope of their project, whether it’s a local initiative or a large-scale venture.


Faced with a climate crisis and growing social inequality, young people around the world must come together to fight for a brighter future. We are numerous acting at all levels to work towards a fairer and more ecologically conscious world.


Acting alone can be hard, it can feel like we’re powerless and overwhelmed with obstacles. It’s for these reasons that a network of like-minded people can really help: supporting each other, sharing our aspirations, creating projects and moving forward together.


By taking part, you can become part of a circle of young people united by shared values, and demonstrate that cooperation is essential if we are to meet global challenges. Your project will be promoted on our networks and at the “Printemps des Humanités” by the EHESS and other upcoming events


All young people between the ages of 13 and 25 that are engaged in concrete actions tied to:

  • The fight against climate change (lowering our carbon footprint, biodiversity and ecosystem conservation, etc)

  • Social justice (fighting inequalities, international solidarity, human rights, climate justice, etc)

  • Bridging the divide between humanitarian and environmental causes showing the links between climate and social justice


Send us your contributions in any form and language you like! (video, writing, comic)


  • Introduce yourself (age, location, background)

  • Tell us about your initiative, a description of your project (What are your objectives? How does your project contribute to a sustainable world?)

  • If you wish, you can add examples of your activity (photos, videos, podcasts, articles, etc.).


You have until the

28th of February 2025

to send your contribution to


If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send us an email or a message on our socials. We’d love to hear from you.


Share this campaign with others and join the movement. Together we can be the change we want to see in the world!

What is the We RESiST Project?

Mais c'est quoi le We RESiST Project ?

A project to encourage responsible citizenship and climate action in schools

Climate change is one of the most worrying issues of our time, and it's essential to empower the next generation to tackle it.

This is the purpose of the We RESiST project (We Rethink Environmental Sustainability in Schools Together) - a name inspired by Midnight Oil's song We Resist - which aims to encourage active citizenship among secondary school pupils.

This European project, funded by Erasmus+, builds on previous initiatives such as “Bridges Over Troubled Waters” and “LabSchoolsEurope: Participatory Research for Democratic Education”. It involves a new collaboration between the two lab-schools - Labyrinth Brno in the Czech Republic and Lab School Paris in France.

What does it mean in practice?

Project weeks:

  • October 2024 in Paris: Students and teachers from both schools will work on the initial phase of the documentary and collaborative research, focusing on the theoretical and practical aspects of climate change.

  • Februray 2025 in Brno: Participants will finalize the documentary and prepare a research paper for publication. This phase includes a student conference on sustainable development.

Monthly webinars:

  • Over the course of the project, students will participate in eight webinars with guest speakers in various fields related to climate change. These sessions will be recorded and made available online.

What are the expected results?


  • Documentary film: presentation of interviews and observations of individuals and organizations working on climate initiatives.

  • Research report: creation of a survey on climate change behavior and knowledge, and publication of our findings.

  • Skills enhancement: gaining experience in research, media production and collaborative work.

  • Call for submissions: in January, students will launch a call for submissions to bring together other young people committed to climate and social justice!

  • Wider impact: the project aims to create a snowball effect, encouraging more schools to get involved in climate education and action.

Labyrinth Sckola Brno.png
The “We RESiST” project

We RESiST will take place during the 2024-2025 school year and aims to inspire and equip students to get involved in the fight against climate change. The project also aims to foster a sense of initiative and critical thinking among young people, encouraging them to engage with climate issues both locally and globally. The project combines life and earth sciences, arts and humanities to provide a holistic approach to climate education and aims to:

  • Promote active citizenship: by involving students in the planning and execution of the project, We RESiST enables them to become proactive in their environment.

  • Raise climate awareness: through the creation of a documentary, a survey on climate-related knowledge and behavior, and a call for submissions to bring together other like-minded young people. The project aims to inform and raise awareness among a wider audience.

  • Building skills: students will develop research, communication and practical skills, from conducting interviews and filming to analyzing data and publishing their findings.

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