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InTEnSeA study: Exploring sensory perception in autism

Paris Nanterre University and EHESS-CNRS are carrying out a call for participation for a study in Psychology on sensory processing in the Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC).

The goals of the project

The senses (touch, hearing, vision, taste, smell) are essential for us to discover the outside world. Sensory processing is the range of mechanisms that enable an individual to feel and perceive.

In recent years, research has increasingly focused on sensory processing in ASC in order to understand its specificities.

Autism or Autism Spectrum Condition is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects nearly 1 in 100 children born with the disorder. Current diagnostic criteria identify persistent deficits in social interaction and communication, and the presence of restricted interests and repetitive behaviors including unusual sensory responses. This can result in individuals with autism having hypo or hypereactivities. It is only recently (2013) that the criterion of sensory processing has been added in the official international classifications of Psychiatry.

However, the testimonies of families and individuals involved highlight the importance of exploring this topic to better understand its impact on child development.

To date, clinicians do not have markers associated with sensory processing in autism. Sensory profiles vary between children and may change throughout their lives.

Our aim

The aim of this study is to better understand the differences in sensory functioning between children and adolescents with and without a diagnosis of autism by offering them an exercise where they will be exposed to visual and auditory information.

Conduct of the study

This protocol is for children and adolescents aged 6 to 17 years.

Participants will be tested at LabSchool Paris. Online questionnaires will be sent to parents prior to the study to collect socio-demographic information.

The test lasts 30 to 40 minutes. The children will react on a touch pad.

In addition to responding to short films, they will either:

1) Make a memory or attention game;


2) To observe their emotional reactions, two patches will be placed on their hands to record the reactions on their skin.

Children will receive a surprise dinosaur pouch 🎁 🦕 after their participation.


The understanding of the specificities of sensory processing would make it possible to improve the daily life of the persons concerned by better taking into account their rhythm and the adaptations of their environment.

How to participate in the study?

If you are interested in participating in this study, you can contact us by email ( indicating: your name and the age of your child.

Or you can fill out the form directly by clicking here.


Investigatror : Sandra Brouche

Clipsyd Laboratory – Paris Nanterre University

Center for Analysis and Social Mathematics – EHESS-CNRS – CAMS UMR8557

To follow the progress of the study, you can follow us on our social networks:

Watch the video explaining the study

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