After school workshops
Coding workshop - Beginner
4:45pm to 5:45pm - From age 6 (No previous practice required)
Throughout the year, students learn the basics of computer programming by coding games on a platform called Scratch. They will develop technical skills such as blocks, instructions, events, loops, conditions and variables, as well as soft skills like perseverance, self-confidence and group work. They will also learn how to use digital technology more consciously.
From September 16, 2024 to June 30, 2025
Jazz/rock ensemble lessons
2:30 p.m to 3:30 p.m or 3 p.m to 4 p.m - Adults and children
With the Académie des musiques actuelles de Montreuil, we offer courses at the Lycée for children and adults.
If parents are interested, an information meeting could be organized on Monday September 9th at 8:30 p.m. by videoconference to present the Académie des musiques actuelles, its pedagogy and the different courses.
Parents can send an e-mail to to register for the information meeting or request further information.
Annual price for Jazz/rock ensemble lessons - 1H : 600€

September 2024
Private guitar and bass lessons
1:30 p.m to 2:30 p.m - Adults and children
With the Académie des musiques actuelles de Montreuil, we offer courses at the Lycée for children and adults.
If parents are interested, an information meeting could be organized on Monday September 9th at 8:30 p.m. by videoconference to present the Académie des musiques actuelles, its pedagogy and the different courses.
Parents can send an e-mail to to register for the information meeting or request further information.
Annual price for individual lessons (instrument or voice) - 30min : 750 €.

September 2024
Art workshop
4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Ages 6 to 11 (1st to 5th grade)
Sketching, perspective, collage, scraping, sculpture, watercolor, weaving ... a year to discover or perfect different techniques, open up to and share with a variety of artists, create for oneself and/or as a gift. Conditions permitting, we'll be organizing outings and an exhibition of the young artists' creations at the end of the year.
From September 18, 2024 to June 18, 2025
Creative writing workshop
4:45pm to 6:15pm - Ages 9 to 12
Discover your inner author! Discover the magic of words and the power of your imagination through a variety of fun and unexpected writing activities. Be inspired by published and aspiring writers alike, as you share your work and discover what others are up to. Gain self-confidence and embark on a longer writing project that we'll “edit” together. At the end of the 32 sessions, you'll be proud to hold your book in your hands!
Weekly 1h30 workshop (Thursdays, 4.45pm-6.15pm) led by Cécile Emeraud, children's book publisher (Voce verso), author and teacher.
First discovery session on Thursday, September 19, 2024. Last session with presentation of work on June 26, 2025 (break during school vacations).
An opportunity to experience the pleasure of writing, gain self-confidence, exercise critical thinking skills, develop creativity and discover the professions involved in the book trade.
From September 19, 2024 to June 26, 2025
Debate club in English in Montreuil
5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. - From 9th to 11th grades
Debating gives you the satisfaction of expressing your opinions. It's also about learning to organize your ideas, enriching your general knowledge and, above all, taking part in an enriching collective activity. Taking part in Debate in English means doing all this in English! In partnership with The Break, Lab School Paris offers a fun, collective language learning experience based on oratory and debating techniques.
Step by step, immersed in the language, young people develop their oral English skills on contemporary issues. They also learn how to communicate, think critically and work as part of a team.
From December 2, 2024 to May 12, 2025
Private singing and piano lessons
1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. - Adults and children
With the Académie des musiques actuelles de Montreuil, we offer courses at the Lycée for children and adults.
If parents are interested, an information meeting could be organized on Monday September 9th at 8:30 p.m. by videoconference to present the Académie des musiques actuelles, its pedagogy and the different courses.
Parents can send an e-mail to to register for the information meeting or request further information.
Annual price for individual lessons (instrument or voice) - 30min : 750 €.

September 2024
Ateliers à composer
14h à 16h
Choix de 2 ateliers
1h de chaque atelier
De 6 à 12 ans
Pour le vendredi après-midi, nous proposons 3 ateliers de 1h. À vous de choisir vos deux ateliers !
Du 20 septembre 2024
au 20 juin 2025
Bricolage créatif

Découvrez un programme d'activités ludiques et créatives qui éveille les enfants à l'environnement par le bricolage et la récup'. Ces ateliers sont conçus pour permettre aux enfants de grandir en créativité, en débrouillardise et de découvrir leur capacité d’agir au quotidien.
Music Lab

Loin des cours classique et académique du conservatoire, le Music Lab met l’accent sur une approche créative et ludique de la musique. Il va permettre à l’enfant d’explorer cet univers tout en commençant à acquérir les notions de bases (rythme, notes, nuances, solfège …).
Kidz Lab

Le Kidz Lab propose une offre ludo-éducative de qualité qui permet à votre enfant de s’épanouir, de se socialiser, de s’amuser, et d’apprendre autrement, par soi-même et avec les autres. Un programme construit autour de la pratique sportive et artistique.