Marine Hervé
Elementary Director
After obtaining a Master's degree in European Studies and International Relations at the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Marine worked in a university as a civic service volunteer, providing guidance to French and international students. A mission to support young people gave rise to a passion for education and pedagogy.
She quickly became interested in alternative pedagogies and innovative educational projects. Convinced that education is a major issue for the 21st century, and that the school system needs to evolve to better prepare children, citizens in the making, for the challenges ahead, she became a school teacher.
She has taught in various classes from CP to CM2 in the French education system, always placing the well-being of pupils and the development of psychosocial skills at the heart of her practice. For 4 years, Marine worked in a school that had built an educational project centered on the inclusion of all pupils and the reception of neuro-atypical children, in liaison with other professionals. This experience convinced her of the importance of developing bonds of trust with her pupils, and inspired her to delve deeper into the issues involved in supporting children with special educational needs. Enthused by LabSchool's pedagogical project, Marine joins the team to share her experience and continue to learn by taking on new challenges.