Miguel Toquet
As an associate professor of mathematics and researcher, he has for many years been involved in in-depth reflection on innovation in education, both in his professional practice in secondary and higher education and in his research. He has developed several tools that promote a playful, creative approach to mathematics and language skills. In terms of research, he is interested in cooperative pedagogies, the contribution of cognitive science to learning, and digital technologies (edtech, e-education).
In 2013, to promote a new place for students within the school, he designed the Espace CréationS program for secondary schools, which has won several awards and been recognized as an innovative cultural space in schools, open to the whole region, dedicated to creativity and offering a new approach to digital technology in schools. To help spread the concept nationwide, he is a co-founder of the decliccS association, whose aim is to support ministries, local authorities, educational staff and players in setting up new Espaces CréationS.
Convinced of the merits of a systemic, decompartmentalized and collaborative approach to public policies aimed at young people, his expertise in the field of public innovation is sought by the Ministry of Education, the State Secretariat for Digital Affairs and the National Center for Territorial Public Service (CNFPT). Passionate about the challenges of the digital revolution, such as open data, he is also active and recently invested in open innovation and civictech.
When Pascale Haag set up the Lab School Network, it was only natural for him to be enthusiastic about the values espoused by LSN, and to put his energy at the service of this collective and civic adventure, which is working towards an educational renewal that will enable everyone to flourish within a welcoming 21st century school.
Convinced of the need to intensify links and reciprocal enrichment between those working in the field and research, he is particularly involved in setting up and developing the AERE platform. It is also involved in organizing an international symposium on well-being in education. Lastly, he coordinates the LSN's “Diffusion des pratiques innovantes” research axis, as well as LSN's relations with government ministries.