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Logo Lab School Network

Resource sharing


We were taken of course, like almost everyone, by the announcement of the closure of the schools ... How to ensure pedagogical continuity for the largest number of students? What tools should you choose to make it easy for students and families to access them? How to manage to keep links? Because school is not only a place for transmitting knowledge, it is also and above all a place for living and sharing human experiences.


During the strike period of December 2019, the teaching team began to share online resources to allow students living too far from the school to follow part of the lessons from a distance, which has already allowed us to test some tracks. We use various online applications and tools, which we sometimes grasped a bit in a hurry and without necessarily having had the opportunity to carry out an in-depth reflection on a global strategy. These lines are simply intended to share what has been put in place for the moment at the Lab School Paris by inviting those who wish to draw what may be useful to them… while knowing that there is no ideal solution and that most tools may be saturated at times due to the number of users.


Every morning, students receive the program for the day and can chat with their teachers on Google hangouts at 9 a.m. (luckily, almost all students can connect in one way or another). After taking this temperature and this exchange around the program, the children work independently with their school materials (activity files, notebooks and books) or with the online resources made available on thematic tables by subject on Padlet.

During the rest of the morning, they can ask their teachers by email or chat and send them their work. Then, corrections are proposed to allow students who wish to review their work by themselves or with their parents. In the afternoon, the teachers correct the exercises that have been sent to them and prepare the program for the next day… It is even more intense than a classroom day in class and requires a lot of organization on the part of the teachers and parents ! Thank's everyone !


You will find below the files of the first days of the week for levels CM1, CM2, 6th and 5th. It will be updated regularly. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions and ideas to improve the device and make it more collaborative!

Chaussures posées sur le sol

Du 16/03 au 20/03

Chaussures posées sur le sol

Du 27/04 au 01/05

Chaussures posées sur le sol

Du 23/03 au 27/03

Chaussures posées sur le sol

Du 04/05 au 08/05

Chaussures posées sur le sol

Du 30/03 au 03/04

Chaussures posées sur le sol

Du 20/04 au 24/04

To be able to access the rest of the program, you must have a password.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Are you interested in having the rest of the program?

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Contact us!

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